Monday, January 29, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Birthdays - January 2018

Hey there!  Holy I am cutting it close to wishing my lovely friends Courtney and Brethil the happiest of birthdays.  But, if it counts for anything, I had a drink after work for you guys for your birthday instead of writing my blog post (bad blogger!).  To celebrate their birthdays they have chosen a very unique inspiration photo.  I don't think I've ever seen one with such different results.  It's fun!  Keep on reading to see their photo choice.

You can't tell at all from my version but the photo they picked is some fun (albeit slightly stylized) cactus art.

image source

I thought alcohol inks would be a fun way to tackle their inspo so I dug mine out and tried it over Madam Glam's Perfect White.

The green spread around more than I would've liked so this is uber abstract cactuses.  I'm such an artist, haha!  I added some white dots over the green, potentially the only part of it that looks like the original.  

It might not look like the original but that's the joy of these inspiration manis.  They don't have to. But I hope Courtney and Brethil get a little giggle at just how experimental mine turned out (seriously, it looks like an experiment I might run in the lab...that I then have to bleach).  You can see some manis that really do look like cacti in the links below.  

Happy birthday girls!

'Til next time...

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